Spring Tennis Session, 2024
March 4th - May 2nd, 2024
Come join us for a Variety of Classes offered for Juniors & Adults of All Skill Levels!
Players can register on our scheduling website at https://app.courtreserve.com/Online/Events/List/2506
10 and Under & Middle School Class (Mondays & Wednesdays 6:00-7:30pm)
(Class is for Beginner/Intermediate Middle School aged players, as well as Kids Ages 6-10; class focuses on basic stroke technique, footwork, movement, and a variety of games)
One Class: $35 per Class
Full Session: $340 (18 Total Classes included; Exp at End of Session on 5/15/24)
Beginner/Intermediate HS Classes (Mondays & Wednesdays 6:00-7:30pm)
Class is for Beginner/Intermediate High School aged players; mainly Junior Varsity Players class focuses on basic stroke technique, footwork, movement, and a variety of games)
One Class: $25 per Class
Full Session: $220 (18 Total Classes included; Exp at End of Session on 5/15/24)
High School Advanced Class (Mondays from 7:30-9pm, & Tuesday & Thursday from 6:30-8:00pm
Class is for Varsity Level players and for Higher Level Juniors who compete in USTA/UTR Tournaments at a high level. Class focuses on more advanced aspects of groundstrokes, movement, strategy, as well as physical conditioning
One Class: $25 per Class
Full Session: $220 for Full Session (26 Dates Included; Exp at End of Session on 5/9/24)
Men & Women's Doubles Tennis League (Mondays from 7:30-9:00pm)
Join our Doubles Winter League! Each night will features three round robin no ad 4-game sets. Based on the results, one player will move up a court the following week, and one person will move down. Register soon as spots are limited!
Players must be above a 2.5 NTRP or a 3.0 UTR to participate. If a night happens where a player cannot make it, it is their responsibility to get a substitute to take their place
The end of the session will feature the following prizes! Money prizes ONLY awarded with 8 full registrants
First place - $100 credit to the Tennis Center, GFU T Shirt (8 full entires min)
2nd Place - $70 credit to the Tennis Center, GFU T Shirt (8 full entries min)
3rd & 4th Place - GFU T Shirt
League Fee: $160 total
* NEW* Men & Women's Singles Tennis League (Wednesdays from 7:30-9:00pm)
Join our NEW Singles Spring League! Each night will features two no ad 6-game sets. Register soon as spots are limited! PLEASE NOTE; Wednesday.
Players must be above a 4.0 UTR to participate. If a night happens where a player cannot make it, it is their responsibility to get a substitute to take their place
League Fee: $170 total
Adult 3.0+ NTRP Drill & Play:
Class is for Adults NTRP 3.5 and Above Roughly. Come out for lot's of point play & calorie burning! Class consists of drills the first hour, followed by Set play!
Tuesdays from 6:00-7:30pm
One Class: $35 per Class
Full Session: $225 (9 Classes included; Exp at End of Session on 5/7/24)
Adult Beginner Drill & Play
Class is for Beginner/Intermediate Adults wanting to either learn the game, or get back into it! Class consists of drills and instruction on the basics of the game!
Thursdays from 6:00-7:30pm.
One Class: $35 per Class
Full Session: $225 (9 Classes included; Exp at End of Session on 5/9/24)
Private Lessons Rates per Hour:
$60 per private lesson
$35 each for 2-3 person lesson
$25 each for 4-6 players
(Email mmiyashiro@georgefox.edu to setup directly)